

Black is the new black. And always will be. When it comes to fashion, photography, graphic design or even interior decorating, there is no color as powerful or sexy as black. I own an exorbitant amount of black clothing... but i think that's normal? When layering clothing, decorating a room, or designing print work, the key to using all black is mixing different textures and materials. Sorry if this is an obvious or anticlimactic end to my 7 part introduction, but I SERIOUSLY LOVE BLACK.

olsensanonymous.blogspot.com, lefashionimage.blogspot.com, lefashionimage.blogspot.com, ffffound.com, fashiongonerogue.com, ffffound.com, ffffound.com, giovannibianco.com, garancedore.fr

6. LOATHE: Denim Dresses

I know denim is in right now... but i just can't get into it! Jean jackets and denim dresses are the kind of things I wore in 5th grade... and today, I would NOT take style advice from the 5th grade me. Denim dresses are an official no for now.

(check out the rest of the Levi's winter looks though... some cool pieces.)


5. LIKE: New Fun Typefaces

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4. LOVE: The Beach

There is nothing better than a sunny day at the beach. The sunglasses, sand and suntan that come along with it are all wonderful! The beach is the best place to wear white, and with a good tan you need almost no make-up.

lefashionimage.blogspot.com, lesmokingimage.blogspot.com

3. LOATHE: Kitten Heels

There is absolutely, positively, no occasion where kitten heels are appropriate. When it comes to heels, the higher the better! Always. Designers should just come to grips with that fact and stop trying to be different by designing these horrible little stubs.


I also loathe bad kerning in type, but there is no way an example of that is going on this blog :)


2. LOVE: Interesting Packaging

As a graphic designer, I'd be lying if I said I didn't buy things purely for their packaging. With a good idea and the right combination of materials, imagery and type, certain products just need to be taken home.

thedieline.com, lovelypackage.com


1. LIKE: Hoods

Hoods are good. They're functional, comfortable, and they have just the right amount of attitude. Whether you're on a catwalk, walking the streets of Brooklyn, or even hitting the beach, they are a great built-in accessory.

style.com, celebritystyleguide.com, fashiontoast.com, lefashionimage.blogspot.com, headhoods.com, americanapparel.com

Happy Birthday Gadabout

Hi, I'm Jenna. I am a coffee addicted, blog following, fashion loving, graphic designer. As a newcomer to the world of blog writing, I've decided to spend the next week introducing myself through 7 posts containing my personal (and sometimes quirky) likes, loves, and loathes.

Here goes...